
Friday, October 2, 2020

Bang Energy Key Lime Pie Flavor Review


Bang Energy Key Lime Pie Flavor Review

We managed to get our hands on a case of the All New Mystery Flavor of Bang Energy Drinks. The all new flavor is Key Lime Pie. I imagine everyone for the most part is familiar with Bang Energy Drinks, but if you've been in a coma or under a rock for the past few years Bang Energy Drinks are an energy beverage made by supplement / sports nutrition company VPX Sports.  Bang Energy Drinks pack 300mg of caffeine along with BCAAs, Super Creatine, and a few other ingredients.

Bang's claim to fame is not only rolling out a lot of new and interesting flavors, but the brand has done a great job at building up anticipation for these flavors by slowly teasing out the new flavors on social media with subtle hints. Some recent releases include Frose Rose, Birthday Cake Bash, Miami Cola, Candy Apple, and most recently the all new flavor Key Lime Pie. 

Now going into this review and taste test I'll be honest and say we're not super excited, the last few flavors have been flops, at least Birthday Cake Bash and Miami Cola. The problem with Birthday Cake Bash, it wasn't necessarily a horrible taste, but it's not really a flavor that comes across well or that you want in an energy drink. The other problem, with something like Birthday Cake you kind of need the texture and the bite to fulfill the experience unlike a flavor like Cotton Candy where you really just want the flavor but don't need the texture as cotton candy is basically just air and sugar. 

What Does Key Lime Pie Bang Taste Like?

So upon cracking open the can you definitely get the smell of Key Lime Pie. Upon taking the first sip it definitely does taste like Key Lime Pie. I'd say it tastes more like Key Lime Pie than the Birthday Cake Bash tasted like Birthday Cake. 

Everyone always wonders about carbonation. I'd say most Bang's are high in carbonation, the Key Lime Pie flavored Bang however has medium to low carbonation, it's definitely not as carbonated as other flavors. 

As far as the taste, I have to say they nailed it. I went into this review thinking that it was just going to be a straight lime favor, however Bang did a great job of capturing the taste of a Key Lime Pie. While you do initially get that lime taste, there is a bit of sweetness and it definitely finishes with a pie flavor. It's tough to describe but there's definitely sorta the mouth feel of a piece of Key Lime Pie, and there's a hint of sweetness and creaminess to it. It's definitely not overly sweet like many of the other flavors.

Overall the Key Lime Pie Bang is actually quiet tasty. I don't know that I'd buy another case, however when it comes to energy drinks I'd prefer to just have a traditional fruity flavor, I'd like something a bit more crisp. That said if you're a fan of Key Lime Pie you'll love this flavor and it'd definitely worth picking up a can to try it for the novelty. 

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