
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Hi-Tech Halotestin ProHormone Review


Hi-Tech Halotestin Review

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals just released an all new ProHormone called Halotestin. We managed to get our hands on an early release bottle a few weeks back and have been running a cycle for the past few weeks and wanted to bring you a review. Halotestin is an interesting ProHormone in that it contains two ingredients which would normally be considered "Cutting" ingredients, along with an ingredient which would be considered a "wet" or "bulking" ingredient. For those who've run Hi-Tech ProHormone Cycles in the past I'd put Halotestin right in between something like an Androdiol and a Dymethazine, I've also seen it compared to something like Blackstone Labs Metha Quad and Hi-Tech's newish ProHormone Winstrol.

First and foremost it's imporant to point out that Hi-Tech Halotestin IS NOT the same thing as Fluoxymesterone, this is a non-methylated ProHormone which is marketed under the name Halotestin. Halotestin features three ingredients, two which are dry or cutting ingredients and a wet or bulking ingredient. The formula features 10mg of 17beta (3ketoethyl)-androstane-3-one, 17a-ol which is an anabolic progestin, a newer type of prohormone. This ingredient is very similar to something like Hi-Tech's 1-Testosterone and is geared towards providing lean dry gains and increased strength, not so much size. The second ingredient is 50mg of 4-androsten-3B-ol-17-one. 4-Andros are considered wet or bulking prohormones. The 4-Andro is a wet gainer and will give you increased muscle mass and size. It's important to note this is a wet ingredient and converts to testosterone which has a chance of converting to estrogen. While not a huge concern this is what causes gyno and you may want to take an on cycle support like Arimistane to keep your estrogen in check while on cycle. The 4-Andro is going to give you size, strength and a boost in libido and sex drive. Lastly we have 75mg of 3B-Hydroxyetioallocholan-17-one which is an Epi-Andro and a popular cutting prohormone, this one will give similar results to Hi-Tech Winstrol and will give dry lean gains, increased muscle fullness, and increased vascularity. 

So just coming up on the end of my cycle I've noticed increased size and muscle mass, but due to the 17beta and the Epi-Andro I've managed to maintain a lean dry look with striated muscles. One of the most noticeable aspects of this cycle have been the increased strength and energy in the gym, even at the end of my workouts when I'm normally tuckering out, while on this cycle I have plenty of energy and could spend another hour at the gym, it's very reminiscent of my experience taking Hi-Tech 1-Testosterone. The other thing that really stands out is the increase in libido, I'm ready to go all the time to the point of finding women attractive who I normally would not find attractive. 

With this first go round I've decided to take Halotestin by itself, however I do plan on running another cycle and would like to stack something with it. While I think Decabolin would be the obvious choice and would make a great stack, I like to stay lean and am generally chasing a dry cut look and strength over size so I'll likely stack this with either 1-Testosterone or Winstrol next go round. While I started off with no on cycle support a couple weeks in I felt myself getting a little puffy and retaining a bit of water so added Arimistane which calmed things down. Overall I'm a fan of Hi-Tech's All New Halotestin and would recommend it to anyone looking to put on size while still maintaining a cut appearance. 

If you're looking to pick yourself up a bottle I've noticed it's just starting to roll out to some online retailers, you can grab yourself a bottle for just $59.99 over at BestPriceNutrition.Com. Use the code "SUPPPLUGG10" to save 10% OFF your purchase!

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