
Monday, August 9, 2021

Bang Energy Drink 711 Exclusive Swirly Pop Flavor Review


Swirly Pop Bang Energy Drink 711 Stores

Over a month ago VPX Sports, the company behind Bang Energy Drinks announced a collaboration between Bang Energy and 711 Stores for a unique Swirly Pop flavor which would be exclusively available at 711 stores. While most people seemed to think this was going to be a candy flavor, as we'll discuss further into this review, it's actually not very candy like and much more like a tropical fruit of some sort. 

Despite this being a 711 Exclusive and being heavily marketed by Bang, the rollout was pretty disappointing with many people across the country stating they visited numerous 711 stores trying to find this flavor and still unable to locate it even more than a month after the initial rollout. It appears the distribution between VPX Sports and Pepsi Co may be affecting the rollout of drinks. 

We've been scouring 711 stores all over the Chicagoland area and thus far have been unable to locate any stores with this all new flavor. We finally managed to get our hands on a can at a 711 in Orland Park, IL in the South Suburbs of Chicago. 

The flavor of the Swirly Pop flavor is tough to nail down While some Bang flavors like Peach Mango are very straightforward and you know exactly what you're getting, Bang and many other energy drink manufacturers have taken to getting more creative with their flavor names, with flavors like Radical Skadattle, Miami Cola and Rainbow Unicorn, leaving us guessing at what a flavor is actually supposed to be.

In terms of reviewing the all new Swirly Pop Bang, in terms of carbonation, this one would be considered heavily carbonated. In the sweetness department I would consider this to be moderate to high sweetness, though the heavy carbonation, and the bit of acidity the flavor has does cut the sweetness down a bit. In terms of the strength of the flavor, before we actually get into the flavor profile, the strength isn't very strong. That's not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing, but typically Bang Energy Drinks have a very distinct and strong flavor, this one was more of an essence of a flavor. 

Now in terms of the flavor profile, initially I was thinking just a sweet sugar water, maybe a hint of a tropical flavor. Upon taking a few more sips, the strongest flavor I could name would maybe be a mango flavor. There is a bit of a passion fruit or dragon fruit essence to it, and maybe a bit of grapefruit just due to the acidity and a bit of a citrus taste. This one was really tough to nail down. Upon watching some Youtube reviews and reading some others reviews the most common guess seems to be mango, though everyone describes Bang Swirly Pop as having somewhat of a tropical taste to it.

Overall what were my thoughts? It was a decent drink. Personally I really like fruity, light, tropical flavors so I thought it was decent, I'd probably give it a 7.5 out of 10. Reviews from around the net seem to be mixed with many saying its not bad but they can't really nail down the flavor and others saying they outright hated it.

Have you tried the Bang Swirly Pop flavor? What did you think it tasted like? Drop us a comment and let us know. 


  1. I'm drinking one right now and was trying to nail down the flavor and I think you are correct, mango. Right now I don't know if I love it or hate it!

  2. it taste like guava to me

  3. It’s definitely guava. I grew up eating them daily. I knew as soon as I opened it because of the smell.

  4. It’s definitely guava. I grew up eating them daily. I knew as soon as I opened it because of the smell.

  5. It kind of taste like armpit sweat smells. I'm not impressed with the flavor at all. Now I do like rainbow unicorn and the strawberry something flavor. That's why I tried this one

  6. Definitely passion fruit-guava- mango !!

  7. We love it. Definitely tropical, guava and passion fruit were or two top flavors. I can't handle the super sweet. This one was nice.

  8. To me it taste like Monsters Pipeline Punch. The only monster I would drink

  9. It reminds me of ruby red grapefruit juice
