
Thursday, January 9, 2020

Rising Labs Coming Out with a Truly Unique Fried Ice Cream Flavored Protein Powder

Fried Ice Cream Flavored Protein Powder From Rising Labs

Supplement company Rising Labs who's probably best known for their Pre-Workout Supplement Overkill Necrosis has released a few details about an all new product offering, and the brand's first entrance into the protein category.

Thus far few details have been released, but we do know that the all new protein from Rising Labs will come in a 30 serving tub, but the really interesting bit of information we have is the flavor. The flavor of the new protein powder is something truly unique that we haven't seen before, a Fried Ice Cream flavor...YUM!!!

That's about all the info we have at this point in time, Rising Labs teased out just a bit of info on Instagram recently. We don't have a time frame or the macros on the brand's new protein powder, but we hear it should become available soon so we'll bring you updates, and hopefully a review, very soon.

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