
Monday, December 23, 2019

Candy Apple Crisp Bang Energy Drink Reviewed

So in typical fashion, a few weeks back Bang teased out an all new Mystery Flavor of Bang Energy Drinks. As is normally the case, they tease it out on Instagram for a few weeks before releasing it. This time around pretty early on we realized it was going to be some type of Candy Apple or Caramel Apple flavor, and if you keep up with our posts, you learned last week the all new flavor is Candy Apple Crisp.

Just this week cans have started making their rounds to retailers. HyVee grocery stores who tend to be the earliest to get Bang's in have been getting the New Candy Apple Crisp flavor in. We've seen a few reviews hit Youtube, and while we haven't personally had a chance to try this all new flavor yet, a popular Youtuber who often reviews new Bang's did have a chance to try it out. Watch the video above, but as you see he's a fan.

Now we've seen mixed reviews, there was another Youtube review of Candy Apple Crisp posted where the reviewer didn't hate it, but didn't love it either. In this particular review above though Bob compares Candy Apple Crisp to Sour Heads but a bit sweeter instead of sour. He puts it in his Top 3 Bang flavors of all time, and something I think we can all agree with, he says it's much better than Miami Cola which seems to be universally hated.

Have you tried the All New Candy Apple Crisp Bang? If so drop a comment below and let us know what you thought. If you're wanting to try this all new flavor you can pick up a 12 case from MySupplementStore for $23.99, alternatively you can pick up a 12 case on Amazon for $25.99.

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