
Monday, October 7, 2019

5% Nutrition Announces a New Mystery Product, Looks to Be a Cookie

New 5% Nutrition Cookie

Earlier this morning 5% Nutrition made an exciting announcement on their Instagram page. They posted the photo above and announced an all new product set to be announced this week.

The photo seems to show the outline of a cookie with what looks to be Oreo style crumbs in the upper left hand corner. In the description they teased out a bit more info, but didn't tell us much more than the fact it would be low carb and delicous. It's pretty clear this is likely a functional food, quite possibly a Keto Cookie or a Protein Cookie.

Only time will tell. Fortunately however we shouldn't have to wait long to find out. 5% Nutrition is currently holding a contest on Instagram for fans to guess the new product and it will be announced by week's end.

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