
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Metabolic Nutrition Reformulates E.S.P. Extreme | Now With 750mg Caffeine & No DMHA

Metabolic Nutrition ESP Extreme Reformulated

Metabolic Nutrition has changed up the formula to their popular Pre-Workout E.S.P. Extreme. Users seem to have a love hate relationship with ESP Extreme. While many people seek out extremely high stim pre-workouts, a lot of people can't handle ESP Extreme. I have several buddies who own supplement shops and nutrition stores who tell me this is by far their most highly returned product, no because it's not a good product, but because people think they want a high stim pre-workout and then realize ESP Extreme is TOO POWERFUL for them. I'm not even saying that to hype it up like so many people say about supplements, like "this one is extreme", or "this one is NOT FOR NOOBS", ESP Extrem really is that powerful.

The previous version contains DMHA a powerful stimulant which is an alternative stim to caffeine. In this new formula they've removed the DMHA, but have upped the caffeine content with 750mg of caffeine.

You can checkout the entire macros and supplement facts below. If you've tried ESP Extreme in the past and were a fan, it's definitely worth checking out this new formula. Also, if you're someone experienced with taking high stim pre-workouts then this may be for you as well. I've seen a lot of people transitioning over from Super Freak and other high stim pre-workouts, as this new version of ESP Extreme is even more powerful and a more well rounded pre-workout.

New ESP Extreme Supplement Facts

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