
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Lenny & Larry's Peanut Butter Complete Cookie Review

Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookie Review

So I've been familiar with these Lenny & Larry's Complete Cookies for quite some time. The gym I used to attend years back always had them for sale at the front counter, and people would always rave about them. I'd been meaning to try them but just had never gotten around to it.

Well today, I happened to wake up late and left my Fit Crunch Bar at home, and my go to Protein Bar was sold out, so I decided to pick-up and try a Leny & Larry's "The Complete Cookie". 

These cookies come in a variety of flavors, something to suite every taste. Some of these flavors include Salted Caramel, Chocolate Donut, Coconut Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, Birthday Cake, and about a dozen other flavors. The particular flavor I grabbed today was Peanut Butter Cookie. 

These cookies are vegan which is pretty amazing, especially considering how tasty they are. They contain 10g of fiber, no dairy, no egg, and no soy. They also have 16 grams of protein. 

Now make no mistake, while this cookie probably is better for you than a Ms. Fields Cookie, this isn't exactly a healthy snack either. Just because they throw in some protein and fiber doesn't automatically make this a magically healthy food. 

One other thing that annoys me a bit is a single cookie is 2 servings. To me things like a cookie should be a single serving. A half a cookie has 210 calories and 10 grams of fat, so that means if you were to eat a full cookie, which is honestly what most people are going to do, your having 420 calories and 20 grams of fat. That's actually pretty bad. Personally for those macros, while these cookies are pretty good, I'd rather eat a Finalfex Protein Pie. 

Lenny & Larry's Protein Cookie Review

So yeah, these things aren't exactly great for you and your diet, but how do they taste? I was actually pleasantly surprised by the taste and texture. While it's not going to win any fresh baked cookie awards, and while it's not as good as say a Ms. Field's Cookie the texture is pretty good, its not a crispy cookie, more of a chewy consistancy cookie. The texture is a little dense like most protein foods, however not bad by any means. I personally am very sensitive to textures and hate a lot of protein bars for being overly dense and I thought these cookies were pretty solid when it came texture.

In regards to taste, the taste was pretty solid as well. Sure it's not super buttery and rich like a real cookie, but its not bad for a "healthy snack"

The real question though, would I buy these again or would I waste my calories on these again? Honestly probably not. Don't get me wrong, they are pretty good cookies, if you haven't had one I would recommend picking one up and trying it, however the calories and fat are pretty high for something which the taste and serving size doesn't justify those calorie and fat counts. For this amount of calories and fat I'd probably instead opt to have a Robert Irvine Fit Crunch Bar or a Finaflex Protein Pie. 

Complete Cookie Ingredients Macros

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