
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hawaiin Supplement Company Hi-Gear is Working on a Post Workout Supplement

Hawaiin based supplement brand Hi-Gear is apparently working on a post workout supplement. The brand launched in early 2019 initially with a pre-workout, as most new supplement brands do. The pre-workout was called Prepare and is a well rounded pre-workout which has made a name for itself.

The brand then came out with Preserve, an intra and post workout BCAA supplement. This new supplement, which has yet to be given a name, can be taken alongside and with Prepare Pre-Workout and Preserve Intra-Workout. This new unnamed post workout supplement is designed to increase size and strength, and I assume also help recovery.

This new unnamed post workout supplement from Hi-Gear is still in testing so it may be a while before it hits the brands website. We'll keep you updated as we get more details.

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