
Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Chris Bumstead's Thavage Preworkout Gets a New RTD Version


Chris Bumstead Thavage Preworkout RTD

If you're into Fitness, Working Out, Bodybuilding or Supplementation then you no doubt know who Chris Bumstead is. Chris Bumstead has been the spokesman or partnered with the RAW Nutrition brand for quite sometime, however within the last year or so Chris has rolled out his own CBum line, as part of the RAW Nutrition line. It started with the Thavage Preworkout and the CBum Protein, although that was later rebranded as Itholate, again picking fun at CBum's lisp. The CBum line of supplements have become hugely popular with retailers struggling to keep them in stock. 

Well today we've learned about an all new RTD Version of CBum's Thavage Preworkout, and many online are saying it's the best, and most well dosed RTD Preworkout on the market. 

CBum RTD THavage PReworkout
You can checkout the full supplement panel above. Thavage RTD Preworkout has a moderate amount of caffeine with 260mg of Caffeine Anhydrous as well as 64mg of DiCaffeine Malate which yields 45mg of Caffeine so it's got some energy but isn't over the top stims. It looks to have a pretty sick pump with 6000mg of L-Citrulline as well as 2500mg of Betaine and another 1000mg of Agmatine. They've added some L-Theanine which should mellow out the caffeine and also Bitter Orange which acts as a stimulant and also a weight loss agent. Overall this looks to be a pretty solid, well rounded and well dosed preworkout and we can't wait to give it a try. 

Thus far there's not much information out ther eabout the C-Bum Thavage RTD Preworkout, though we do know it's going to sell in 12 cases and will initially be available in three flavors including Blue Raspberry, Green Gummy, and Berry Blast. We'll bring you more info when we learn more about this product, the price point, and where you can buy a case. 

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