
Friday, April 1, 2022

Glaxon Drops a "Golden Showers" Flavored Pre-Workout, and it's NOT an April Fools Joke


Glaxon Golden Shower Preworkout

The 2021 Supplement Brand of the Year Glaxon has just announced an interesting pre-workout. Today on April Fools Day Glaxon dropped an all new "Golden Shower" flavored Specimen Pre-Workout. Golden Showers for those of you not in the know refers to peeing on someone in a sexual setting, so initially we thought this was a joke, brands often roll out silly flavored products as April Fools Joke, Bang Energy for example today put out a post on social stating they were rolling out Pickle and Dorito Cool Ranch flavored Energy Drinks.

Glaxon on the other hand isn't kidding, this funny and Limited Edition Specimen Pre-Workout is called the Fool's Gold Golden Shower Edition and will it will be a Pineapple Lemonade flavor. 

It's not clear whether this will be the usual formula or a special edition formula, though it seems it will likely be the same formula which features 300mg of Caffeine along with some pump ingredients, hydration ingredients, and focus ingredients. You can view the supplement facts panel for yourself below...

Glaxon Golden Shower Preworkout Ingredients

This all new Golden Shower flavored Pre-Workout will be available for a limited time and you can now pikc up a tub for just $49.99 over at the Glaxon web shop. 

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