
Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Univeral/Animal Nutrition's All New Beef Biltong


Animal Nutrition Beef Biltong

Images have recently begun surfacing online of an all new functional food product from the OG brand Universal Nutrition and their spin-off Animal. The all new product appears to be a Beef Biltong. While we've heard this name before and thought it was something similar to beef jerky, we did a bit of research and a bit of Googling for this one. Apparently Beef Biltong is a thinly sliced, dried, and cured meat which originates from South African countries like Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa. Some compare it to beef jerky, though apparently it's quite different. Beef Jerky is cut very thin and cooked on a rack at low temperatures to slowly dry it out where as Biltong is cured and marinated for 24 hours and then hung on hooks to air dry for up to a week at a time. Biltong is also left in thicker pieces and is a big chunkier than beef jerky. 

We don't have much in the way of details to go on but from what we're heaving the all new Animal Biltong is going to feature 16 grams of protein per serving with no sugar or carbs, and from the photo it appears it will come in three flavors including Original, HIckory and Spicy Chili, and likely will be very clean with no additives, preservatives, or nitrates. 

We're not sure exactly when this one will be dropping or what the price point will be but we're anticipating it dropping on the Animal web shop sometime in early to mid April. 

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