
Monday, October 26, 2020

Quest Nutrition Peanut Butter Cup Review

Quest Nutrition Peanut Butter Cup Review

Quest Nutrition's All New Peanut Butter Cups Reviewed

CLICK HERE to Buy Quest Peanut Butter Cups on Amazon (FREE PRIME SHIPPING)

A little over a month ago Quest Nutrition teased an all new Peanut Butter Cup coming soon. Quest fans may also remember a similar product from a few years back called Quest Cravings which were ultimately discontinued. Well, these started making their way out to retailers in recent weeks and we finally got around to trying them. 

Do Quest Nutrition Peanut Butter Cups Taste Like Reece's Peanut Butter Cups

I was excited to try this snack, but also didn't have high hopes that this would stand up to a Reece's. Upon opening the package the chocolate looked a bit more like a dark chocolate and a friend who tried them prior to myself had also made the same dark chocolate reference. I went to break the Peanut Butter Cup in half and the chocolate wasn't soft like Reeces Chocolate and it was a bit dense, so at this point my expectations weren't super high.

Until I took the first bike. This is spot on for a Reece's, the Peanut Butter flavor is that same unique Reece's Peanut Butter, the chocolate maybe wasn't an exact match but overall it tasted exactly like a Reece's and I think could trick me in a blind taste test. The macros on these aren't bad and I love that a full serving is the whole package and not one cup. Lenny & Larry's Cookies and many other sweet functional foods are notorious for doing stupid stuff like making a single cookie 2 servings so loved that Quest was the entire package. Plus well not as much as a protein bar you get 11 grams of protein with relatively low carbs.

Overall I would definitely buy these again and really enjoyed them. 

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