
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Australian Supplement Maker Switch Nutrition Launches Estro Switch, an All New Female Hormone Balance Supplement

Switch Nutrition Estro Switch
The Australian supplement brand Switch Nutrition has just announced an all new hormone balance supplement for women called Estro Switch. While this category of supplements is definitely an under served category of the supplement industry, the few supplements out there such as Alani Nu Balance and Blackstone Labs Harmonize have become incredibly popular among the female demographic, so it's exciting to see another option in this category.

Estro Switch aims to support energy, immune health, thyroid function, and of course hair, skin, and nails, those are the typical benefits of a supplement in this category. One thing we like already about Estro Switch is there's no proprietary blends, you can checkout the fully transparent supplement fact panel below...

Switch Nutrition Estro Switch

Estro Switch isn't available just yet though it should be coming soon, likely sometime next week. It will come in a two cap serving with 120 caps per bottle and should retail right around $90 AUD which works out to about $66 USD.

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