
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Bang Energy Rolling Out 2 Exclusive Flavors in 1st Ever Partnership Collaboration

Bang Energy Exclusive Partnership New Flavors

Looks as if Bang Energy is following suite of G Fuel, going the route of putting out special edition editions of their product with influencers or individuals. While we don't have a ton of information about this yet, apparently next month Bang Energy is doing something the brand has not done in the past. They are going to be collaborating with a group of individuals to create a special edition Bang, and there's going to be two different influencers or individuals the brand will be partnering with.

Apparently these new releases will be "exclusive" so unsure whether that means you'll have to buy exclusively from Bang, or if these flavors will also be available through retail partners as well.

That's really all the information we have at this time, however we'll bring you more info as we get it.

*** EDIT ***

The new flavors have been officially announced. Checkout our recent blog post to learn more...

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