
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Mars Rolls Out New Twix HiProtein Protein Powder Featuring 21 Grams of Protein and 140 Calories

Twix HiProtein Protein Powder

The Candy company mars has been releasing a number of what looks to be an incredibly tasty protein powders. The European brand has rolled out Mars Bars and Snickers flavored protein powders which we've written about in the past. The all new candy bar themed flavor from the brand is an all new Twix Protein Powder. It's a whey protein powder flavored with chocolate, biscuit, and caramel flavor, and packs 21 grams of protein per serving with a fairly lean 140 calories.

The full formula behind the Twix flavor again is similar to Snickers and Mars packing 21 grams of protein, along with 5 grams of carbs, 4 grams of fat, and again 140 calories.

The Twix Protein Powder is now in stock for $32.39 for a 875 Gram bag, that's just under 2 pounds.

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