
Saturday, February 29, 2020

Chef Robert Irvine's FitCrunch Bar to Debut a New "Lemon Cake" Flavor at The Arnold Next Week!!!

FitCrunch Lemon Cake Flavor

Last night we showed you a teaser of what Chef Robert Irvine's All New Fit Crunch Bar was going to look like, however we only saw the bar, we didn't actually know what the flavor was going to be. Our initial guess was "Lemon Bar", we were close, but a little off. Turns out the all new flavor is a tasty "Lemon Cake" flavor.

This all new Lemon Cake Fit Bar will be making it's initial debut in about a week at this year's Arnold Expo where visitors will get a chance to taste this all new tasty treat from FitCrunch.

FitCrunch Bars are an incredibly popular and well liked, almost "Candybar" like protein bar. This one similar to the other flavors will feature 16 grams of protein, 3 grams of sugar, and a fairly lean 190 calories.

After making it's initial debut it will debut at the Arnold, like many of Fit Crunche's products, it will be available exclusively on Amazon. This one will be a seasonal flavor, which is a bit odd rolling out a citrus flavor in the midst of winter, but if you want to try this one you better grab it quick.

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