
Monday, January 27, 2020

What is Nitro Jack in Natural Bang Energy Drinks?

What is Nitro Jack?

What is Nitro Jack in Bang Natural Energy Drinks

So back in October of 2019 Bang Energy first announced their all new Natural Bang Energy Drinks which featured all natural ingredients, as well as an ingredient called Nitro Jack. While the all new Bang Natural's have been on the market for a while now, people seem to be very curious about what Nitro Jack actually is???

Despite what a recent Reddit post may lead you to believe, Nitro Jack is not a branded EAA or BCAA, it's not Nitrous to make you workout super hard, and no it's definitely not when you drink a Bang and then "jack off" really fast.

Nitro Jack is Bang's trademarked branded version of Arugula Extract which Bang filed for a trademark for back on March 25 of 2019 to protect their branded Arugula Extract in the "Dietary Supplement Drinks" category.

Nitro Jack Arugula Extract

What is Arugula Extract and What Does It Do?

Arugula Extract has a number of health benefits including being a Nitrous Oxide booster, promotes heart health, weight control, eye health, reducing cancer risk, enhancing athletic performance, reducing inflammation, and improving cognitive function. You can read more about the benefits of Arugula Extract here. 

Where Can I Buy Bang Natural Energy Drinks with Nitro Jack?

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