
Monday, December 9, 2019

The New Bang "Mystery Flavor" Candy Apple, Now Available for Pre-Order

Candy Apple New Bang Flavor

Fans of VPX Sports Bang Energy Drinks know the brand loves to tease out their flavors. Ever since Frose Rose, the brand has been slowly teasing out new flavors for each new flavor release. To date the most notable has probably been Birthday Cake Bash, most recently we had Miami Cola, which kind of went over like a fart in church, the flavor not only tasted terrible, there was also nothing "Miami" about it.

But I digress. Bang has yet again announced another all new Mystery Flavor, but as often happens with Bang flavor releases, the Mystery is already gone. As most of you can tell from the image above, which is currently the header on Bang-Energy.Com, it's fairly clear that these are Candy Apples, although upon first glance they can be mistaken for cherries.

Bang's CEO told us that this is a Holiday or Christmas themed flavor, so cherry wouldn't make much sense. Again, not only are these clearly Candy Apples or Taffy Apples, but if you watch Jack, Bang's CEO do the initial tease on an Instagram video, he slowly peeled back a piece of tape covering the can in a fridge. You could see through the tape the letters "CA" which pretty much confirms this is going to be a Candy Apple flavor.

Bang comes out with some great flavors and Candy Apples are both seasonal and tasty, so we're excited for these to be released so we can give them a try. Stay tuned and we'll bring you a review once they drop.

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