
Monday, December 30, 2019

Bang Candy Apple Crisp Flavor Review

Reviewing Bang Candy Apple Crisp

A few weeks back Bang Energy CEO Jack Owoc announced an all new Bang Mystery flavor. Bang has been doing this "Mystery Flavor" thing, announcing a mystery flavor, and teasing it out for a few weeks going back to the release of Frose Rose earlier in 2018.

Since the release of Frose Rose, Bang has also released Birthday Cake Bash, and Miami Cola this way; and most recently, the newest Bang Energy flavor Candy Apple Crisp. In today's post we're going to be reviewing the all new Candy Apple Crisp flavor.

What Does it Taste Like?

So I was excited to try Candy Apple Crisp. One thing I was a little confused by going into trying this new beverage was what is the flavor actually supposed to be? Is it supposed to be a Candy Apple? Or an Apple Crisp? Or some type of hybrid of both?

I've actually never eaten a candy apple. I've had plenty of caramel apples, but I don't believe I've ever had a candy apple. 

Upon cracking open the can, this like most Bang Energy drinks, minus Miami Cola, is a clear beverage. Upon taking my first sip, I noticed a strong flavor of Apple Juice, and possibly a hint of Candy Apple. Further sips however were more like a sparkling apple juice.

One thing I really enjoyed about this flavor is that it actually tasted like real apple juice, no artificial flavoring taste, no chemical taste, it tasted like real apple juice, and with just the right amount of carbonation.

I actually had a second can this morning and oddly enough, just like the first time I tried it, I oddly enough caught a bit of a candy apple taste on the first sip, however just sparkling apple juice flavors throughout the rest of the beverage.

How Does Candy Apple Crisp Bang Stack Up Against Other Flavors?

I have a hard time nailing down my favorite flavor. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a fruity flavor, or even something like a Pina Colada flavor, while other times I'm craving a Sour Heads or Star Blast or some type of candy themed flavor. Generally speaking I'm not a fan of the cola flavors be it Root Beer Blast or Miami Cola. 

That said I'd probably put this Candy Apple Blast right up there with my 5 or so favorite flavors. 

If you're interested in trying this all new flavor you can currently pick it up on MySupplementStore.Com for $23.99, or $25.99 on Amazon.Com

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