
Friday, November 1, 2019

Plasmagen All New Nitric Oxide Maximizer from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Plasmagen
It appears Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has an all new pump supplement hitting the market soon. Hi-Tech has only released a photo of the package, so we haven't seen the supplement facts or ingredients, however from the packaging we can see it's a Nitric Oxide Maximizer which tells us it's a pump supplement.

Outside of that photo above featuring the packaging for this all new Hi-Tech product we don't have much to go off of. The packaging is however reminiscent of an old Gaspari Nutrition product called PlasmaJet which was also a Nitric Oxide Maximizer, which is no longer around anymore. Hi-Tech at one point had ownership in Gaspari Nutrition, so we're guessing Plasmagen will be somewhat similar to the old PlasmaJet Nitrix Oxide Maximizer. 

PlasmaJet was a Nitric Oxide Maximizer which aimed to help users build size and strength. It provided insane pumps, and helped users acquire huge gains and increased vascularity. 

That's about all we have thus far. We'll keep you updated when we get more information, or once Hi-Tech releases the supplement facts and ingredients. 


Hi-Tech Plasmagen just hit the My Supplement Store shop, while it's not yet available for sale, you can sign-up to be notified as soon as it's available. 

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