
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Furious Formulations Essential Hard All Natural Personal Stimulant - The Emoji Eggplant Supplement

Famous Youtuber Furious Pete's supplement brand Furious Formulations has introduced their second emoji branded supplement following it's Essential Poop supplement featuring a poop emoji a while back. This new formula is called Essential Hard, features an eggplant emoji, and I'm guessing you can figure out yourself what it does. It's marketed as an All Natural Personal Stimulant.

Essential Hard is the brands libido and sexual health formula which is made with a wide variety of familiar testosterone and sexual health ingredients. Each two capsule serving features 120mg of Eurycoma Longifolia, 160mg of Tribulus, 50mg of Epimedium, 50mg of Saw Palmetto, 40mg of Muri Puama, and 550mg of Arginine. Checkout the supplement facts panel below.


The benefits of this all new supplement intend to provide a natural libido boost and test support, improved blood circulation, and assistance in the areas of stamina and performance.

Essential Hard is available for $19.99 per bottle. If you decide to pickup Essential Hard and Essential Poop you'll save $10 bucks on the stack. It's cleverly called the No No Same Time stack, assuming because hopefully you don't mix pooping with your libido necessary activities.

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