
Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Coca Cola to Roll Out Their Own Energy Drink in January of 2020

New Coca Cola Energy Drink

Earlier this year Coca Cola rolled out an all new energy drink in the UK. Yesterday this iconic American Brand announced they'll be releasing it in the USA as well. The drink will feature a similar design to that of the one in the UK.

Coca Cola will be launching this Nationwide in early January of 2020 in a few different varieties. There will be a regular Coke, Cherry Coke, Zero Sugar Coke and Zero Sugar Cherry Coke.

The size of the cans will be slightly larger than those in the UK, it will come in a 12 ounce can instead of a 250ml can. It won't be a particularly strongly caffeinated drink with 114mg, I believe a can of normal Coke has about 43mg of caffeine. The Coca Cola Energy Drink will also have added Guarana and B Vitamins which we often see in energy drinks.

Now typically country to country companies like Coca Cola will vary their taste and flavoring to suite different countries, ie some countries like more carbonated drinks, others like less carbonated drinks, some like drinks sweeter. Hopefully the formula is slightly different as we h ad a chance to try the UK version earlier in the year and the taste is not great, it had a strange tart aftertaste.

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