
Monday, August 19, 2019

Ultimate Nutrition Goes Out of Business & Fires Employees with a Sign on the Door

Ultimate Nutrition Shuts Down & Fires Employees Arriving To Work

It was reported earlier today by Stack3D that Ultimate Nutrition looked to be out of business. Upon arriving to work this morning 08/19/19, workers were greeted by a note on the front day stating "If you are reading this, please be informed your employment has been terminated effective August 17th, 2019.

Ultimate Nutrition Out Of Business Fires Employees with a Sign

It appears the companies website is still taking orders, however the company has shut down their social media profiles, including a Facebook page which had over a million likes and an Instagram profile which had over 100,000 followers.

Following the post by Stack3D we did a bit of digging and found an article from the Hartford Courant which goes into a bit more detail. What's really pretty crappy about this situation is about 150 employees, a mix of temporary and current employees are now out of work. As if losing your job doesn't sting enough, how about having to wake up and heading to work, only to be fired by a sign on the door. Ultimate Nutrition did them dirty, firing them with a sign posted on the front door of their workplace, and making them wake-up for no reason. The letter also doesn't say anything about appreciating their efforts or anything along those lines.

Some employees interviewed for the story said looking back they spotted trouble, the company hadn't been ordering supplies or equipment needed to run the machines. Even senior management seemingly were caught off guard, also learning of the company shutting it's doors and them being out of a job by the sign on the door.

Hopefully supplement users choose not to buy from a company who would do their employees like this and leave the company sitting with all their current stock.

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