
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Genius Consciousness from The Genius Brand - Nootropic Supplement Review

Nootropic Supplement Genius Consciousness

Today we're going to be reviewing Genius Consciousness from The Genius Brand. While The Genius Brand hasn't been around for that long, they've quickly made a name for themselves as putting out high quality, properly dosed, safe, and healthy supplements. While they do have pre-workouts and protein powders, with a name like The Genius Company, as you would imagine they are especially known for their Nootropic Supplements which focus on mood, cognition, and focus. They've quickly built a name for themselves and their large number of high scored Amazon Reviews speak for themselves. Supplement Smarter is their slogan and they put out healthy, well researched quality supplements with research behind them. If you're looking for safe and effective supplements you really can't go wrong going with this company.

Genius Consciousness is meant to help with focus, concentration, mood, and just overall brain health. One thing somewhat unique about this supplement is they have two dosages, if you take a half scoop you get 30 servings out of the tub, if you take a whole scoop you get 15 servings. Now right off the bat I'll tell you at a full scoop this supplement is properly dosed and gives real results. At a half scoop it's a bit under-dosed and not nearly as effective. This supplement isn't crazy expensive but also isn't cheap either at just under $40 a tub. At 15 servings that is a little pricey, at 30 it sounds a lot better, so I have a feeling that's why they provide the two doses, just to make it seem not as expensive. My review is based on a fully dosed one scoop serving.

Genius Consciousness Review

So what's in this supplement? Well for starters we have Acetyl L-Carnitine which has been traditionally used for everything from alzheimers to memory loss to depression and more. Typically the recommended dosage to see benefits is around 1500mg. This supplement is dosed at 500mg which is a little under-dosed but still a respectable level.

Next we have Lion's Mane. Lion's Mane is a mushroom which has been used in Asian countries going back centuries. Joe Rogan a while back had an interesting episode of his podcast the Joe Rogan Experience where he and a guest went into a lot of depth on Lion's Mane and it's benefits and they are quite impressive. Lion's Mane is used for brain health, memory and focus.

Next we have Alpha-GPC which is under the patented name AlphaSize. That's one thing I really like about this supplement is they use 2 or 3 different patented ingredients which are a bit more studied and just a bit more reliable. Alpha-GPC is found in a lot of nootropics and pre-workouts and helps with focus. With 600mg it's a pretty effective dose. 1 full gram would be a bit more ideal but 600mg is nothing to sneeze at.

Next we have Dynamine, another patented ingredient, again patented ingredients are just a bit further tested and more reliable. Dynamine helps with energy, mood and focus.

As we'd probably expect we have 100mg of caffeine which is pretty appropriate. Anything higher and the stimulus from the caffeine may take away some focus so I like we have a 100mg for a bit of energy and focus without going over the edge.

Next we have Serenade, yep, another patented ingredient for memory and focus. Neurofactor which is the whole coffee bean and rind which helps with cognition and overall brain health.

AstraGin is the next ingredient, yep another patented one. AstraGin helps with absorption so just allowing your body to get the most out of the focus and energy ingredients in here. And lastly we have Huperzia Serrata which helps with oxiditative stress.

The Genius Brand Supplement Facts

Now hats off to The Genius Brand for this supplement. Here's something I really like about it. They hit all the main ingredients for memory, focus and mood, but stayed away from some iffy and less studied ingredients that a lot of other companies throw into their focus and cognition supplements.

Don't just take it from me though, what do other people think? Well to date this brand has been getting not only a huge quantity of Amazon reviews, but they've managed to maintain high reviews as well. This is even more impressive in the nootropic supplement space where things quickly become divided and some people love a certain supplement while others hate it. Currently Genius Consciousness has just under 3,000 reviews of 4.3 stars which is pretty good.

Genius Consciousness Product Review

Now on Amazon it's currently priced at $36, I believe the price has come down a slight bit recently. This is a pretty good price, this is a high quality supplement and the price point isn't bad, especially for a nootropic. Now I do wish it had a full 30 servings and didn't play games with the half scoop, but it is what it is. Yeah it's a little pricey but if you're looking for a focus, mood and cognition supplement this is one of the better ones I've tried.


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