
Monday, August 5, 2019

Bob Ross Positive Energy Drink

Today we're going to be doing a review of the Bob Ross Positive Energy Drink. Okay, now right off the bat, this isn't a real serious review. This drink, while it is an energy drink, is obviously a gag gift or novelty item. I believe I first saw this drink on the website ThisisWhyImBroke.Com where they feature outrageous and interesting items. I decided I had to buy it so I picked up one off Amazon. Oddly enough a day later I saw these cans on the counter at a store at a local mall, I don't recall the name of the store, but it was one of those gag gift slash hippy type stores like Spencers. 

As far as the drink goes before we get into the supplement facts down below. The drink is an electric blue color when you open it and pour it into a glass. The taste actually is pretty good, better than I expected. Remember those freeze pops from Walmart we had as a kid, those plastic tubes of colorful popsicles you cut the top off of. Yeah this literally tastes like a melted blue freeze pop if you added a little carbonation to the mix.

Okay, so the new trend in energy drinks is no calories, sugar free, and tons of energy. This drink lacks pretty much all of that. It contains 160 calories which is more than a soda, it also has 160mg of sodium which is a little on the high side. It does have some Vitamins B6 and B12 but again, your likely buying this can to give to someone as a stocking stuffer or gag gift, not to actually drink before a workout. None the less it doesn't taste half bad.

Have you tried the Bob Ross Positive Energy Drink? If so what did you think? Drop a comment below and let us know.

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