
Friday, July 19, 2019

Review of Birthday Cake Bash The New Bang Energy Drink Flavor

I was fortunate enough to snag a can of the new Bang Energy Drink Birthday Cake Bash at my local gas station this afternoon. If you've been following the release of this flavor it's been pretty interesting. Normally Bang will tease the new flavor, then release it on their own site, and shortly after it will start hitting the big brick and mortar shops like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, and shortly after that roll out everywhere else.

Birthday Cake Bash Bang Energy Drink

This release has been pretty interesting in that it seems some cases went out earlier than they should have, and stores leaked the flavors. This seems to be the case as Bang themselves still have this flavor listed as a "Mystery Flavor" on their own website, and are still trickling out Instagram posts referencing a "mystery flavor" when we already know what it is, and while many of us are drinking it already. 

Bang Energy Drink Mystery Flavor

So now what you have all been waiting for, the actual review of Bang Birthday Cake Bash. You all want to know is it any good, and what does it taste like?

Bang Energy Birthday Cake Bash New Flavor

So let me start with my initial expetations. It's summertime right now, and oftentimes I'll take a walk or go for a jog prior to my workout just to warm up. When I get home I'll sip on a bang and relax for a few minutes and then get started with my workout. On a hot summer day when I'm sweaty and just about to start a workout, Birthday Cake is honestly the last thing on my mind, I'm looking for something crisp and refreshing like a citrus flavor or a fruit flavor like a Bangster Berry. I typically don't get into the cotton candy or marshmallow or sweeter flavored drinks.

None the less I decided to give Birthday Cake Bash a try. I'll say that while I probably won't be buying this again, birthday cake just isn't my thing, it's not a terrible drink. It is very sweet, but one thing I like about Bang compared to Redbulls, Rockstars, and other traditional energy drinks is it's not syrupy and it's typically a much lighter or more watery flavor as opposed to heavy and syrupy. 

Another thing about a lot of Bang flavors is that while they taste good, I wouldn't necessarily say they taste like the name. For example the Bang Sour Heads drink tastes good to me, however if you gave it to me without telling me it was Sour Heads I probably wouldn't be able to pin down the flavor.

The Birthday Cake Bash flavor however is true to it's name, it tastes like birthday cake, with the perfect ratio of cake flavor to frosting flavor. While it is sweet, it's still fairly light and not overly syrupy. And it actually wasn't as gross as I was expecting.

Now all that said, I probably won't be buying it again. My favorite Bang Energy flavors are probably Bangster Berry, Citrus, Peach Mango, and occasionally a Star Blast, however it was worth buying a can for the novelty of it and to try it out.

I know right now at the time of the writing of this article these are still pretty hard to come by, but if you get a chance to try one drop me a comment below and let me know your thoughts on this new Bang Energy Birthday Cake Bash flavor. 


  1. My favorite Bang Energy drink. Cotton Candy is a close second.

  2. I'm still on the fence about it even tho I've had it twice... I think it's the literal taste of birthday cake is what's throwing me lol... my favorites are pina colada, blue razz and black cherry vanilla but I also drink gangster berry rainbow unicorn and froze rose

  3. Haven't found the birthday cake flavor yet pina colada and star blast and the rainbow unicorn are my top 3 favorite flavors
