
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Condemned Labz Drops Arsynist PM, All New Night Time Fat Burner

Condemned Labz Arsynist PM

The Hardcore Supplement Brand Condemned Labz has just revealed an all new night time fat burner called Arsynist PM, which is a spin-off of their Arsynist fat burner, one of the hardest hitting and most popular fat burners on the market.

Condemned Labz Arsynist initially began as Arsyn, but was eventually renamed after a trademark conflict with Blackstone Labs over their Arson fat burner. Arsynist is one of the strongest DMHA fat burners on the market and features 200mg of DMHA, 300mg of caffeine and a host of other stimulants including synephrine, and higenamine among others. 

Well the all new Condemned Arsynist PM spinoff will be a non-stimulant nighttime version which aims to help you fall asleep faster, improved sleep quality and duration and in the weight loss department helps aid in stress reduction, helps prevent fat storage, and increases metabolic rate. 

The formula behind Arsynist PM features Magnesium, Tart Cherry, Green Tea Extract, Lemon Balm, L-Theanine, Shoden Ashwagandha, Rutaecarpine, Saffron Extract and Melatonin. While myself and many others prefer not to take Melatonin and avoid sleep supplements containing melatonin which seems to be a growing trend, this one only features 1mg of a time released melatonin so I'd still be willing to give it a try. 

Condemned Arsynist PM Ingredients

The all new Arsynist PM should stack well with the original Arsynist. The all new Arsynist PM is now on the Condemned Labz website for just $34.99 for a month supply. 

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