
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Did John James Strong Sexy Fit Greens Supplement Copy Glaxon's Supergreens Formula?

John James Strong Sexy Fit Greens

So chances are most of my regular readers aren't familiar with John James or the Strong Sexy Fit supplement line. For those who aren't familiar John James is the brother of social media influencer Jesse James Decker, who's the wife of former Denver Bronco's Wide Receiver Eric Decker. 

Way back when Strong Sexy Fit was first launched we happened to come across a tub of Strong Sexy Fit's Goddess Colada Powdered Fat Burner. Surprisingly this post became one of our most trafficked posts, so over the years we've occasionally kept an eye on the line. The line has since expanded to include a Goddess Hormone Support Formula, Goddess Capsuled Fat Burner, Goddess Collagen Peptides, and Goddess Greens which is what we'll be discussing today. 

We recently got our hands on a tub of the Strong Sexy Fit Greens formula and after giving it a try, as I was examining the supplement fact panel and ingredients, it struck me as looking somewhat familiar. Now my favorite Greens supplement and one which I take daily is Glaxon Super Greens. I sat down and compared the labels and it appears Strong Sexy Fit pretty much completely copied the Glaxon Super Greens Formula. 

Looking at the formulas, which I'll post the supplement fact panel labels below, both feature a Green Balance blend of 1000mg, both contain a Betta Berries blend containing 500mg, both contain 500mg of Watermelon Powder, 200mg of Sunflower Lecithin, and both contain a 50mg Plant Digestive Enzyme Blend. Really the only slight differences between these two formulas is that Super Greens added 500mg of Tart Cherry and 100mg of Ashwagandha where as Strong Sexy Fit Greens lacks those ingredients but adds 500mg of Coconut Water Powder. 

Strong Sexy Fit Supplement Fact Label

Glaxon Super Greens Supplement Fact Label

Now when it comes to taste nobody beats Glaxon Super Greens, it's one of the most popular supplements on the market and is pretty much univerally agreed upon to be the best greens supplement on the market. While Dinosaur Fruit seems to be the favorite flavor amongst most people, the Bursberry Ice Tea and Orchard Ice Tea are both pretty tasty as well. The Lemon Ice Tea is pretty much hated by all. 

Now when it comes to Strong Sexy Fit and their greens supplement, the Hawaiian Honey Tea isn't the best tasting flavor. When it comes to supplements and flavorings, artificial tea and honey flavors typically aren't that great, a honey tea also isn't a strong enough flavor to cover up the flavor of a greens formula. 

Overall the formula is pretty solid, though it does appear to be borrowed/stolen from Glaxon's Super Greens and in terms of the flavor, it falls quite a bit short of it. That's actually somewhat surprising as the Strong Sexy Fit Guava Colada Powdered Fat Burner was actually one of the tastier fat burners we've tried over the years.

Have you tried Strong Sexy Fit Greens or any of the rest of the Strong Sexy Fit line of supplements? If so what did you think about it? Drop a comment below. 

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