
Monday, May 10, 2021

VMI Sports Announces New White Heat Fat Burner That's Packed With Stims!


VMI White Heat Ultra Burn Fat Burner

VMI Sports is a brand we haven't written about in a while, but after hearing about the brands all new "White Heat" fat burner we had to tell you all about this one. VMI Sports back in February had announced they were formulating an all new weight loss supplement. Well they just teased out a bit more information. The all new VMI Sports White Heat Fat Burner bottle image has been circulating around the interwebs, and while we don't have the entire formula, nor do know a release date or price, the bottle image shows three ingredients in the formula.

VMI White Heat will contain 400mg of caffeine along with 100mg of Teacrine and 1.5mg of Yohimbine. Just these couple teasers tell us that not only is it packed with stims, but it's likely to suppress appetite and increase thermogenesis. We're looking forward to the supplement facts being released and seeing exactly what VMI Sports has in store for us but so far this looks to be an impressive and well dosed formula for those stim lovers out there. 

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